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发表于 2007-11-25 14:08:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
#ALIAS ahb {ask lin about 护镖}
#ALIAS aj {ask guo about 奖励}
#ALIAS andao {enter shudong;say 天堂有路你不走呀;d}
#ALIAS askarmor {ask chanshi about 铁护腕;ask chanshi about 皮手套;ask chanshi about 皮围脖;ask chanshi about 僧鞋;ask chanshi about 铁背心}
#ALIAS baoku {ask wu about 射月弓;give wu gong;push desk;d;light lampn;light lamps;light lampe;light lampw;d;break men;d}
#ALIAS ce {cemote $NOR$$ME$$HIY$纵声长啸:}
#ALIAS damo {open door;n;sw;se;n;s;w;e;#wa 500;w;#2 e;s;w;n;nw;n}
#ALIAS ef {yun regenerate}
#ALIAS emeib {s;wd;sd;sd;wd;w;s;sd;#wa 1000;sd;s;se;e;se;e;e;se;e;e;ne;#wa 1000;do 9 n}
#ALIAS emei {do 9 s;sw;w;w;nw;#wa 1000;w;w;nw;w;nw;n;nu;unwield right;unwield left;nu;n;e;eu;nu;nu;eu;n}
#ALIAS er {yun recover}
#ALIAS feng {ask yue about 令狐冲;ask yue about 思过崖;n;northwest;w;wu;sd;eu;ask linghu about 岳灵珊;ask linghu about 风太师叔;enter dong;south}
#ALIAS fengb {n;out;wd;nu;ed;e;se;s}
#ALIAS fumoquan {w;e;s;e;n;n;e;w;s}
#ALIAS gaibang {#4 e;n;e;n;w;n;e;n;w;n}
#ALIAS gaibangb {s;s;#4 w;}
#ALIAS gai {enter shudong;say 天堂有路你不走呀;d;2;ne;ne;u;enter;e}
#ALIAS ge {gan che to east}
#ALIAS genter {drive che to enter}
#ALIAS geu {gan che to eastup}
#ALIAS gne {gan che to northeast}
#ALIAS gn {gan che to north}
#ALIAS gnu {gan che to northup}
#ALIAS gnw {gan che to northwest}
#ALIAS gout {drive che to out}
#ALIAS gse {gan che to southeast}
#ALIAS gs {gan che to south}
#ALIAS gsu {gan che to southup}
#ALIAS gsw {gan che to southwest}
#ALIAS guiyun {taihu;do 5 e;nu;nu}
#ALIAS guiyunb {do 8 w;e;#wa 1000;sd;sd;do 5 w;taihub}
#ALIAS gumub {ask sun about 出墓;#3 s;wu;eu;su;#wa 1000;#6 s;open door;#6 s;#wa 1000;quanzhenb}
#ALIAS gumu {quanzhen;#wa 1200;#5 n;#wa 1000;#6 n;#wa 1000;nd;wd;ed;ask yang about 进墓}
#ALIAS gw {gan che to west}
#ALIAS gwu {gan che to westup}
#ALIAS huashan {#5 n;nw;#6 n;#wa 1000;#5 e;#wa 1000;se;su;eu;su;eu;#2 su;#wa 1000;sd;su;#2 s;s;w;w}
#ALIAS huashanb {#3 e;w;#3 n;nd;nu;#2 nd;#wa 1000;wd;nd;wd;nd;nw;#3 w;#wa 1000;#2 w;#6 s;se;#wa 1000;#5 s}
#ALIAS jiaxing {#6 e;se;s;e;e}
#ALIAS jiaxingb {w;w;n;nw;#6 w}
#ALIAS jiema {#2 e;#2 n;w;ask ma fu about 借马;e;#2 s;e;s;ask guo fu about 小红马;ask guo fu about 白雕;give diao chu to guo;n;w;#2 n;w;get ma;get horse;e;#2 s;#2 w}
#ALIAS jiuyin {ask yang about 九阴真经;give whip book to yang;#3 n;e;#2 ne;e;swim river;#2 n;e;#2 n;w;enter xuanwo;get jiuyin zhenjing;out;#2 s;out;w;#2 sw;w}
#ALIAS linghub {wd;nu;ed;e;se;s}
#ALIAS litiezui {#5 n;nw;#wa 1000;#6 n;#wa 1000;#5 e;n;}
#ALIAS litiezuib {s;#5 w;#wa 1000;#6 s;#wa 1000;se;#5 s;}
#ALIAS lvliu {#6 w;nu;nd;#2 w;nw;w;nw;#2 wu;nw;#wa 1000;#7 w;#3 n;#3 w;sw;w;se}
#ALIAS lvliub {nw;e;ne;#4 e;s;#3 s;#wa 1000;#4 e;e;se;#2 ed;se;e;se;#2 e;#wa 1000;su;sd;#6 e}
#ALIAS meizhuang {e;e;e;e;e;n;knock gate 4;knock gate 2;knock gate 5;knock gate 3}
#ALIAS menggu {#2 e;n;ask nvyong about 郭大侠;s;#4 w;#2 s;ask guojing about 报国;#2 n;#2 e;#4 n;give ling to jiang;ride ma;#8 n;answer 送信}
#ALIAS mingjiao {andao;6;w;w;nw;w;nw;u;s;w;nw;nu;nu;nu;nu}
#ALIAS mingjiaob {s;s;n;sd;sd;sd;sd;se;e;n;zuan dong;se;e;se;e;e;e;u;out}
#ALIAS mishi {say 明教密室;ask xiao zhao about 张无忌;ask xiao zhao about 乾坤大挪移;ask xiao zhao about 密室;follow xiao zhao}
#ALIAS pingxi {#9 s;#wa 1000;sw;w;w;nw;#3 sw;#wa 1000;#5 n;ask tou about 自立为王}
#ALIAS pingxib {#9 s;n;#wa 1000;#wa 1000;#3 ne;#wa 1000;se;e;e;ne;#wa 1000;#9 n}
#ALIAS ptz {w;e;s;e;n;n;e;w;s;enter;ask du nan about 菩提子}
#ALIAS pw {s;give ping yao}
#ALIAS pxy {perform xiyang}
#ALIAS qianchi {n;n;n;n;n;nw;n;n;n;n;n;n;e;e;e;e;e;e;se;su;eu}
#ALIAS qiuqianren {#5 s;#wa 1000;#4 s;se}
#ALIAS qiurao {perform parry.qiurao}
#ALIAS qj {perform unarmed.hqgy}
#ALIAS quanzhen {#5 n;nw;#wa 1000;#6 n;#wa 1000;#2 nw;w;#2 nw;#wa 1000;n;nw;#2 nu;n;nu;#wa 1000;#2 n}
#ALIAS quanzhenb {#2 s;sd;s;#2 sd;#wa 1000;se;s;#2 se;e;#wa 1000;#2 se;#wa 1000;#6 s;se;#wa 1000;#5 s}
#ALIAS quanzhou {#6 e;se;#2 s;e;#5 s}
#ALIAS quanzhoub {#5 n;w;n;nw;#6 w}
#ALIAS reb {huashanb}
#ALIAS recall {~recall;#RECALL AutomapperAll}
#ALIAS re {huashan}
#ALIAS riyue {#5 w;#2 n;ne;#2 nu}
#ALIAS riyueb {#2 sd;sw;#2 s;#5 e}
#ALIAS sandu {ask du nan about 菩提子;ask du e about 伏魔刀;ask du jie about 金刚罩}
#ALIAS sanfeng {w;sw;s;se;e;ne;n;nw;sw;s;e;open door;n}
#ALIAS shaolinb2 {s;#3 sd;wd;w;#3 sd;ed;#2 sd;e;#3 s}
#ALIAS shaolinb {sd;#4 s;sd;#3 s;sd;s;open gate;#wa 1000;#2 s;#3 sd;wd;w;#wa 500;#3 sd;ed;sd;sd;e;#wa 1000;ruzhoub}
#ALIAS shaolin {unwield right;unwield left;enter shudong;say 天堂有路你不走呀;d;3;#2 ne;u;sw;#wa 1000;e;sd;e;#2 nu;wu;#3 nu;e;eu;#3 nu;n;#wa 1000;knock gate;#2 n;nu;#3 n;nu;n;wield all}
#ALIAS shedongb {e;sd;sd;sd;sd;#wa 1000;#5 w;#wa 1000;s;e;s;nw;s;nw;#wa 1000;#6 w}
#ALIAS shedong {do 6 e;#wa 1000;se;n;se;n;w;n;#wa 1000;do 5 e;#wa 1000;nu;nu;nu;w}
#ALIAS shiban {say 上报四重恩,下济三途苦;#4 pull stone up;#3 push stone down}
#ALIAS shuikao {#6 e;se;s;#2 e;nd;ask chou diao about 独孤求败;nu;ask yu fu about 过河;se;catch fish;nw;give fish to yu fu;swim;pick sword}
#ALIAS shuikaob {swim;#2 sd;su;#2 w;n;nw;#6 w}
#ALIAS slmb {sw;se;n;s;w;e;w;e;e;s;w;n;nw;n}
#ALIAS stop {#t- dazuo}
#ALIAS studyjiuyin {#6 ef;getout 4;#10 zuanyan zhenjing;#wa 1000;#6 ef;#wa 500;#15 zuanyan zhenjing;store zhenjing;#wa 1000;pp;sleep}
#ALIAS swe {swear 我将永远忠于帮主,若有悖逆,天诛地灭!!}
#ALIAS swordbook {#5 n;nw;#4 n;w;nw;ask punk about 王小二;se;e;#2 n;#2 nw;ne;enter hole;ask wang about 鸡}
#ALIAS swordbookb {w;sw;#2 se;#6 s;se;#5 s}
#ALIAS sword {perform sword.qixing}
#ALIAS taishanb {sd;sd;sd;sd;sd;#wa 1000;sd;sd;wd;sd;sd;#wa 1000;sd;s;s;sw;#wa 1000;#5 w;w}
#ALIAS taishan {e;e;e;e;e;e;#wa 1000;ne;n;n;nu;nu;nu;#wa 1000;eu;nu;nu;nu;nu;nu;#wa 1000;nu;nu}
#ALIAS taohua {#6 e;se;s;e;e;nd;e;e;e;e;n;enter boat}
#ALIAS taohuab {s;w;w;w;w;su;w;w;n;nw;#wa 500;#6 w}
#ALIAS tianlong {#4 s;#wa 1000;#5 s;#wa 1000;sw;w;w;nw;#5 sw;#wa 1000;wu;nu;n}
#ALIAS tianlongb {s;sd;ed;#wa 1000;#4 ne;se;#wa 1000;#2 e;ne;#wa 1000;#5 n;#wa 1000;#4 n}
#ALIAS tianshanb {se;se;se;e;se;e;e;#wa 1000;su;sd;e;e;e;e;e;e}
#ALIAS tianshan {enter shudong;say 天堂有路你不走呀;d;4;#3 w;#3 nw;ask alamuhan about 马}
#ALIAS tieshouzhang {w;drop hand;e;ask seng about 铁手掌;l hand}
#ALIAS tufei {#5 s;#wa 1000;#4 s;#wa 1000;sw;w;su}
#ALIAS tufeib {nd;e;se;e;e;#wa 1000;ne;#4 n;#wa 1000;#5 n}
#ALIAS uq {unwield qud;unwield qus}
#ALIAS uw {unwield sword;unwield dao}
#ALIAS wearqu {drop cloth;drop shoes;wear qzhitao;wear qhubo;wear qshoutao;wear qyaodai;wear qcap;wear qhuwan;wear qsurcoat;wear qshoes}
#ALIAS wi {wield sword;wield dao}
#ALIAS wq {wield qud;wield qus}
#ALIAS wudang {#5 s;#wa 1000;#4 s;#wa 1000;sw;w;w;nw;#3 w;wu;#wa 1000;#3 nu;w;#2 nu;#wa 1000;#2 eu;#2 nu;}
#ALIAS wudangb {#5 s;sd;#wa 1000;sd;wd;wd;sd;sd;e;sd;sd;sd;ed;#wa 1000;e;e;e;se;e;e;ne;#wa 1000;do 9 n}
#ALIAS wuliang {#5 s;#wa 1000;#4 s;#wa 1000;sw;w;w;nw;#4 sw;#wa 1000;nw;#3 nu;climb}
#ALIAS wxd {n;w;n;e;s;u;out}
#ALIAS xfanb {d;s;do 7 w;s;e;s;nw;s;nw;do 6 w}
#ALIAS xfan {do 9 s;wu;wu;s;s;sd;e;e;n;u}
#ALIAS xiangyangb {drop yao pai;drop bian tiao;#wa 1000;#5 s;#wa 1000;#4 s;#2 ne;n;#wa 500;huyidaob}
#ALIAS xiangyang {huyidao;s;#2 sw;#wa 1000;#5 n;#wa 1000;ask shou jiang about 投军;#4 n}
#ALIAS xiaocun {#5 n;nw;#6 n}
#ALIAS xiaocunb {#6 s;se;#5 s}
#ALIAS xingxiub {s;ed;se;e;se;#wa 1000;e;e;su;sd;e;e;e;#wa 1000;e;e;e}
#ALIAS xingxiu {enter shudong;say 天堂有路你不走呀;d;4;w;w;w;#wa 1000;nw;wu;n;}
#ALIAS xizao {#3 s;#2 w;give zhaodai 30 silver;enter;e;bath}
#ALIAS xuelian {#2 se;#2 wu;ride horse;jump valley;get xuelian}
#ALIAS xuelianb {ed;ride horse;jump valley;#2 ed;#2 nw;drop horse;get armor;wear armor;save}
#ALIAS xxb {s;ed;se;e;se;e;e;su;sd;e;e;e;e;e;e}
#ALIAS xxx {xingxiu;n;nd;n;nw;w}
#ALIAS xyangb {do 9 s;w;do 2 nu;w;wu;wd;wd;wu;w;nw;n;w;do 2 sw;w;do 3 s;wu;eu;su;do 10 s;do 3 s;sd;s;do 2 sd;se;s;do 2 se;e;do 2 se;do 6 s;se;do 5 s}
#ALIAS xyb {do 9 s;w;w;nu;w;ne;zuan dong;sw;sw;sw;u;out}
#ALIAS yh {yun heal}
#ALIAS yinggu {#5 s;#wa 1000;#4 s;#wa 1000;se;e;sw;sw;s;#wa 1000;e;n;w;s;s;w}
#ALIAS yinggub {out;ne;w;nw;#wa 1000;#5 n;#wa 1000;#4 n}
#ALIAS yl {yun lifeheal}
#ALIAS yp {yun powerup}
#ALIAS yr {yun recover}
#ALIAS yubi {e;se;#4 sw;s;e;n;w;n}
#ALIAS baituo {n;w;ask qian about 白驼山;give qian 1 gold}
#ALIAS baituob {nw;s;ask zhang about 扬州;e;s}
#ALIAS suzhou {e;e;e;e;e;e;se;s;e;n;n;n;n}
#ALIAS suzhoub {s;s;s;s;w;n;nw;w;w;w;w;w;w}
#ALIAS beijing {andao;7;n;ne;ne;n;out;s;ne;n;n;n;n;n;n}
#ALIAS beijingb {#6 s;sw;n;zuan dong;s;sw;sw;s;s;u;out}
#ALIAS atconnect {pkuxkxuser;pkuxkxpassword}
#ALIAS pkerdangpu {w;w;w;w;w;w;wu;nu;wu;e;e;n}
#ALIAS pkerdangpub {s;w;w;ed;sd;ed;e;e;e;e;e;e}
#ALIAS dusheku {#6 e;#wa 1000;s;e;e;nd;w}
#ALIAS dushekub {e;su;w;w;n;nw;#wa 1000;#6 w}
#ALIAS luoyang {enter shudong;say 天堂有路你不走呀;d;1;n;nw;nw;nw;n;nw;#wa 500;u;e;e;s;sw;nw;do 4 w;#wa 500;wu;wd;do 3 w}
#ALIAS luoyangb {do 3 e;eu;ed;do 4 e;#wa 500;se;ne;n;w;w;enter dong;#wa 500;se;s;se;se;se;s;s;u;out}
#ALIAS shenlong {andao;7;n;ne;ne;n;out;s;ne;se;ask chuan fu about 出海}
#ALIAS shenlongb {nw;sw;n;zuan dong;s;sw;sw;s;s;u;out}
#ALIAS huyidao {andao;7;n;ne;ne;n;out;}
#ALIAS huyidaob {zuan dong;s;sw;sw;s;s;u;out}
#ALIAS dalunsi {andao;9;sw;s;sw;sw;sw;out;sw;wu;nw;knock gate}
#ALIAS dalunsib {se;ed;ne;zuan dong;ne;ne;ne;n;ne;e;u;out}
#ALIAS zanpu {do 9 s;sw;w;w;#wa 1000;nw;w;w;nw;nw;nw;nw;w;n;n;n}
#ALIAS zanpub {s;s;s;e;se;se;se;se;e;e;se;e;e;ne;#wa 1000;do 9 n}
#ALIAS shashoubang {do 9 s;wu;wu;n;n;n;ask liang about pk}
#ALIAS shashoubangb {s;s;s;ed;ed;do 9 n}
#ALIAS pkerb {w;w;w;ed;sd;ed;e;e;e;e;e;e}
#ALIAS pker {w;w;w;w;w;w;wu;nu;wu;e;e;e}
#ALIAS taihu {do 6 e;se;n;se;n;w;n;#wa 1000;do 5 e}
#ALIAS taihub {do 5 w;s;e;s;nw;s;nw;#wa 1000;do 6 w}
#ALIAS taoyuan {wudang;#wa 1000;ed;e;e;ed;sd;ed;sd;ed;e;e}
#ALIAS taoyuanb {w;w;wu;nu;wu;nu;wu;w;w;wu;#wa 1000;wudangb}
#ALIAS lingjiu {w;w;w;w;w;w;nu;nd;w;w;nw;w;#wa 1000;nw;nw;nu;n;n;nu;nu}
#ALIAS lingjiub {sd;sd;s;s;sd;se;se;e;#wa 1000;se;e;e;su;sd;e;e;e;e;e;e}
#ALIAS lingzhou {w;w;w;w;w;w;nu;nd;w;w;nw;#wa 1000;w;nw;nw;nu;n;w;w;w;w;w}
#ALIAS lingzhoub {e;e;e;e;e;s;sd;se;se;#wa 1000;e;se;e;e;su;sd;e;e;e;e;e;e}
#ALIAS tiandihui {luoyang;#wa 1000;s;s;s;e;e;e;n;e;e;#wa 1000;knock guancai 3;ed;s;s;s;w;e;n;n;n;n;e}
#ALIAS tiandihuib {w;#4 s;w;n;n;e;n;s;wu;#wa 1000;w;w;s;w;w;w;n;n;n;#wa 500;luoyangb}
#ALIAS paladin {climb yafeng;s;s;#3 sw;s;e;n;w;n;w;climb cliff}
#ALIAS fudi {climb yafeng;s;s;s;s;push stone;s;e;e;ed;ed;push men;e;e}
#ALIAS duanyu {climb yafeng;s;s;s;s;push stone;s;e;e;ed;ed;push men;e;e}
#ALIAS paladinb {d;e;s;ne;ne;ne;s;push stone;s;e;ed;ed;push men;e;e}
#ALIAS dali {enter shudong;say 天堂有路你不走呀;d;8;se;s;sw;sw;s;w;#6 s}
#ALIAS dalib {n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;tui bei;#wa 1000;e;n;ne;ne;n;nw;n;u;out}
#ALIAS ruzhou {huyidao;s;sw;sw}
#ALIAS ruzhoub {ne;ne;n;huyidaob}
#ALIAS shenlong2 {n;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;#wa 1000;nu;nu;eu;n;nu;nu;n;n;nu;eu;n;nu;nu;nu;wu;nu}
#ALIAS shenlong2b {sd;ed;sd;sd;sd;sd;s;wd;sd;s;s;s;#wa 1000;sd;s;wd;sd;sd;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;s;ask chuan fu about 出海}
#ALIAS yinzhe {s;w;w;e;s}
#ALIAS yinzheb {#5 n}
#ALIAS mhz {give shou yin to shen ling;s;e;n;w;s;w;e;e;e;n;break men;s}
#ALIAS murong {suzhou;#wa 1000;n;nw;w;w;w;w;w;s;ask girl about 拜庄;say 如果要去慕容,输入enter boat}
#ALIAS murongb {n;e;e;e;e;e;se;s;#wa 1000;suzhoub}
#ALIAS guiquan {wudang;sd;#wa 1000;wu;wu;nu;wu;nu;eu;eu;eu;s;s;s;s;s;e;drink}
#ALIAS bladebook {w;w;n;n;n;ask tian about 淫贼}
#ALIAS bladebookb {s;s;s;e;e}
#ALIAS staffbook {gaibang;ask lu about 棒法秘籍}
#ALIAS staffbookb {gaibangb}
#ALIAS yashan {#6 e;se;s;e;e;se;#wa 1000;ne;e;ne;ne;#7 e}
#ALIAS yashanb {#7 w;sw;sw;w;sw;#wa 1000;nw;w;w;n;nw;#6 w}
#ALIAS yuewangmu {#6 e;se;s;#wa 1000;e;e;s;w;s;e;n;e}
#ALIAS yuewangmub {w;s;w;n;e;n;w;w;#wa 1000;n;nw;#6 w}
#ALIAS gu {gan che to up}
#ALIAS gd {gan che to down}
#ALIAS lvzhou {sw;nw;nw;sw;se;ne}
#ALIAS tulongdao {n;e;n;w;n;s;e;e;n;n;ask xie about 屠龙刀}
#ALIAS tulongdaob {s;s;s;w;e;n;nw}
#ALIAS chaojing {e;n;ask zhu about job;ask zhu about 工号;#wa 2000;s;e;e;e;e;e;ne;n;n;nu;nu;nu;eu;write jing}
#ALIAS kxcd {n;n;w;u;ask hongdou about 开心辞典}
#FUNC jingli {1305}
#FUNC maxjingli {1305}
#FUNC jing {778}
#FUNC maxjing {778}
#FUNC neili {2090}
#FUNC maxneili {2090}
#FUNC qi {1306}
#FUNC maxqi {1306}
#FUNC qn {69647}
#FUNC exp {2903596}
#FUNC effjing {}
#TRIGGER {*~((*)~)告诉你:inv} {invite %1} {invite} 519
#TRIGGER {【%s经验%s】%s(%d)*} {exp = %1;} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {【%s潜能%s】%s(%d)%s(*)} {qn=%1;} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {【%s内力%s】%s(%d)%s/%s(%d)(*)} {neili=%1;maxneili=%2;} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {【%s气血%s】%s(%d)%s/%s(%d)%s(*)} {qi=%1;maxqi=%2;} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {【%s精神%s】%s(%d)%s/%s(%d)%s(*)} {jing=%1;maxjing=%2} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {【%s精力%s】%s(%d)%s/%s(%d)(*)} {jingli=%1;maxjingli=%2;} {hp} 519


12.31 KB, 下载次数: 3060

发表于 2007-11-25 22:05:05 | 显示全部楼层


chat* goodman whuan
发表于 2007-11-29 12:31:42 | 显示全部楼层


真是好人啊 方便了不少
发表于 2007-11-29 13:11:44 | 显示全部楼层


#ALIAS reb {huashanb}
#ALIAS re {huashan}
发表于 2007-11-30 20:59:29 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-12-1 01:37:56 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-12-5 13:32:20 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-12-5 17:03:41 | 显示全部楼层


#TRIGGER {*~((*)~)告诉你:大龙虾是北侠第一高手!} {invite %1} {invite} 519
发表于 2007-12-22 21:27:35 | 显示全部楼层
dreamfy thu
kickout thu
发表于 2008-12-19 17:40:40 | 显示全部楼层
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